Fastlane Pro - Turn Your Pool Into a Multi-Use Facility
Fastlane Pro - Turn Your Pool Into a Multi-Use Facility

Whether you want to add a fun twist to your backyard pool or simply want your kids to develop a new interest in swimming, the Fastlane Pro is the ideal solution. A fastlane swimming machine will make the pool a safe, fun place for your kids to play while providing a unique, stimulating environment. With no electrical connections required poolside, the Fastlane Pro fits virtually any pool. With 52 discrete programmable speeds, a maximum 66 second per 100 yard pace (5-HP), and a six-inch high-visibility digital LED display, it will add a new dimension to your pool.
Endless Pools' Fastlane Swimming Pool Counter Current Unit
The Fastlane Pro is a powerful swimming pool counter current unit designed to give you the sensation of swimming in an open river. This unit has two parts: a current unit and a rugged 5-horsepower hydraulic power module. The propeller pulls water into a unique system of grills. The Fastlane Pro uses the same hydraulic system as the Original Endless Pools current generator.
The Fastlane Pro is ideal for residential swimming pools, allowing you to swim with a smooth current that is powerful and quiet. Because the Fastlane uses no electrical connections poolside, you can install the Fastlane Pro in any pool. It works with any pool and is compatible with many types, including freeform and rectangular, concrete, vinyl-lined, and even saltwater pools. The Fastlane can be installed in shallow water as eighty-nine centimeters (89cm) or in depths up to 66 feet (5-HP).
Aside from transforming a pool into a multi-use facility, Fastlane Pro also offers features that make your current pool more productive. With Fastlane, you can swim uninterruptedly and enjoy a total-body workout, as well as play activities for your children. . Read on to discover the benefits of Fastlane Pro.
You can install the Fastlane Swim Unit in almost any pool, including concrete, gunite, masonry, and fiberglass. The unit can also be installed in shallow water. The Swim Unit can be placed in water as shallow as 35''. You can turn it on and off using a remote control, which includes buttons for Faster and Slower.